About Kruise Kontrol

We can’t explain who we are and what we do without first demystifying the name Kruise Kontrol. It is obvious the phrase is missing some C’s. Cruise Control would normally mean the automatic regulation of the speed of a vehicle, or anything for that matter.

We offer similar value, but the “Kruise” is different.

What does Kruise mean?

According to the captain of our great ship; “Kruise refers to any, and everything fun”.
It could be a party, concert, tour, picnic, or it could be that nice restaurant, park, monument, or surreal ambience. Anywhere the fun is, that’s the “Kruise”.

Who are we?

Kruise Kontrol is a network of fun enthusiasts who dedicate their time and skills to creating and curating content from the most fun places and events in every city. We do this because of the strong need for fun and relaxation as part of the efforts towards proper work-life balance.
We are your vehicle to experiencing all that is fun around you. All you need to do is board our ship, and we will get you where you need to be. Entertainment has never been so easy to find.

What makes Kruise Kontrol unique?

Simply put; “our approach”.
Most event promotion platforms publicize an event by telling you where, when, and how much said event would cost. Some other platforms go further to facilitate ticket purchases for these events. This is all necessary, but we have come to realize that a mere advertisement of date, time, and venue is not nearly enough to motivate an otherwise introverted individual to seek entertainment.
This is why we go the extra mile to provide deeper insight on all our Ads. You will be able to see visual content of what to expect from an event or location, and where visual content isn’t possible, there’ll be a blog explaining exactly what you can expect to see.

It makes making a decision of what to attend easier, and more informed.

Our Mission
Kruise Kontrol’s mission is to help promote fun and relaxation, by offering visual account of past and upcoming events and destinations, helping people make informed choices on where to go and what to do to keep depression away.
Our Vision
To become the largest repository of entertainment content in the world, and the first thought in the mind of the fun seeker